About Me
Be a forever learner – read, listen, seek, and observe – invest in knowledge. These were my father's wise words. As I think the world of him, my inclination to share my experience grows. I am now a teacher, and I luxuriate in keeping my ear to the ground. Learning and teaching, coupled together, always reap a sweet fruit. Reading increases our knowledge about the world, while writing visualizes our thoughts. As listening enhances our compassion, speaking builds our confidence. Then, observing, watching, and asking improve our critical thinking. This is the mantra I live by – be holistic – learn and teach.
As Robert Bryne once said,
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose”.
Life is a continuous cycle, and we are all part of the bigger world. Every day, we receive wonderful gifts of love and affection from everyone and everything around us. Hence, it is the greatest act of humility and kindness to share the skills we acquire. And I live because of that – I am a forever learner and a teacher. Learning is receiving. Teaching is sharing. I will never stop humbly receiving and generously giving love to everyone.
I am Edwina R. Bensal.
This is my life’s purpose.

My Teaching Philosophies

We, teachers, can be slammed with the myriad of responsibilities inside and outside our classroom. We can be fixated on brainstorming creative learning materials and producing engaging activities for our students. This, I think, is very noble. It is very generous of us to spend countless hours doing this. But we should never forget that the biggest and most beautiful teaching material we can bring inside the classroom is ourselves – the loving and happy teachers that we are.
This will only be possible if we will always be grateful, hopeful, and contemplative.

Love must always come from within. It is harder to receive love from other people if we can’t even spare love for ourselves. Therefore, as teachers, it is necessary to religiously love ourselves by learning something new every day, being excited about life, and giving ourselves room for improvement.

In my humble way, I regularly update and refine my lessons. For example, during this pandemic, I mastered the ins and outs of Canvas, Google Meet, and Zoom. I also don’t hesitate to tell my students how excited I am for our class and to read their works. To make them feel my sincerity, I include comments in their works.
Concertedly, I faithfully read research papers and produce one every year. This is to investigate and explore ways to understand more my students and myself as a teacher. To enhance my craft, I present these research papers in international conferences and collaborate with other research writers or colleagues, too.
I consider doing all these activities as a great learning curve for me.

Chapter Book Contributor

Commencement Speaker

Research Presenter
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